Sunday 27 July 2014

Last Post From the Field

This is an exciting and a sad time for us. Serving a mission has been such a great experience! On the one hand, I hate for it to end. On the other, we're so excited to be going home and to see everyone again. We've delivered our farewell talks, enjoyed a good-bye party, laughed and cried and said most of our goodbyes.

Since our mission officially ends tomorrow, we've been busy with final activities and preparations to leave but we still have much to do in the next couple of days. There are no other senior couples available right now to replace us, so we need to close up the apartment. The contents aren't worth the expense of sending a truck up here so we're trying to dispose of everything. 

We bought a utility trailer to allow us to take home what we want to keep, without having to travel in a crowded van. Elder Rhodes had to wire the van for the trailer and install a hitch, which has kept him occupied lately. Our trip home will be another great adventure, I'm sure.


 I had selected the following pictures at the beginning of the month but have been too busy to do anything else with them. Because I'm short on time, my comments and explanations will be sparse. 

Mission Accomplished.
Sending Elder Russell Home.

Virtual Hug

First Impression!? Greeting Sheri.

Second Impression!

Putting Sheri to work doing ..... what do you think? Teaching English of course!

View From the Tower

Like Father Like Daughter!

Ocisco Mine.